New York, New York
New York, in our humble opinion, has the only truly functional mass transit system in the country. This graphic, which compares the maps of every subway system in America, shows why. Most subway systems, as you can see, are built like spokes radiating out from a central hub. This makes it easy to travel to the center of the city. But the center of the city is an outmoded destination. And, the people in the vast pie wedges formed between the spokes are virtually transportation-less. New York, on the other hand has subways that cross each other, making many more areas accessible. Though, to be fair, it’s hard to compare New York to any other American city.
It's my first time see the whole subway system of the US in one map. I noticed the difference of New York City, it's system are like a web, everywhere are connected and reachable. The value of the subway in NY maybe not just where it located, it's a system bring people everywhere without driving a car. That's impossible for the rest of US.
from Good
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